Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Honors Seminar in Literature!

This fall, all students in core literature courses will have a unique opportunity to participate in an honors seminar experience. The Literature Honors Seminar is open to students with a 3.2 GPA currently enrolled in a Literature Core course and intended for those who want to enhance their literary appreciation, critical understanding, and analytical skills. Students who fulfill the requirements of the seminar AND earn either an “A” or “B” in the regular course will receive an indication of their completion of “Honors” on their transcripts. Students also gain the experience of working with other highly motivated students in an intellectually stimulating and scholarly experience. The seminar meets every other Monday afternoon, 3:30-4:50 PM, starting 9/22 and ending 11/17. This time period was designed to conflict as little as possible with literature courses. Students will be engaged in interactive discussions and writing activities designed to strengthen and reinforce the skills we all teach in our literature core courses: apply knowledge of literary terms, concepts, and devices to short texts, practice close reading skills, explore multiple critical perspectives, and understand and practice the conventions of writing workshops, readings, and performances. They will meet other faculty and writers and attend a literary performance on- or off-campus. To register, contact Tara Hart at

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